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Instructional - Seeker: Using Your Folder: Home

Folder for Research

1) Begin your search in Seeker as usual:

2) Find the Seeker Folder in the top-right navigation. Click on it to enter the Folder:

3) Once inside the Folder, you can create subfolders. This is especially useful to organize multiple research topics. At the bottom of the left-side menu, click on New:

4) This creates a new subfolder. Give it a name and a description (optional), then Save. Once you're done, click the Back link to return to your search results:

5) If desired, you can limit your results to the type of resource you are interested in. In this case, I am limiting to ebooks:

6) Now you're ready to begin saving resources that you are interested in to your new subfolder by clicking on the blue folder icon to the right of the title. You should see your new subfolder in the list that opens up:

7) Once your resources are saved, the folder turns yellow. You can now return to the Folder icon at the top of the page:

8) Now scroll back down to your subfolder, and click on it to expand. Click on the one of the items listed. In this case it shows we have eBooks in our folder:

9) Clicking on the items opens your subfolder so that you can access the items you saved:


E-Resources/Serials Librarian

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Duane Carter
Harrison Library