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Instructional - Guide to Nearby Austin Libraries: UT Libraries

You're never far from a library in Austin. Here's what you need to know to take advantage of all Austin libraries have to offer.

Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL)

To take advantage of one of the nation's largest research libraries, you need to know about the Perry-Castañeda Library, or PCL for short. PCL is the main research library for UT. PCL also houses the Borrower's Desk, where you will apply for your library card. This card will be free to currently enrolled Southwest students, faculty, and staff. 

Read on for more instructions!

University of Texas Electronic Identifier (EID)

If you wish to visit the Perry-Castañeda Library to use UT Austin's online databases, you will need to set up a free UT EID, short for University of Texas Electronic Identifier.

Read all about UT EIDs here.

How to get a UT Library Card

Here's what you need to do:

1. Email and let us know you are interested in a UT Library card. We will instruct you to come by and pick up a TexShare card.

2. Check the hours of the Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) Courtesy Borrower's Desk, and plan your visit accordingly. 

3. Map your route to PCL. Walking is recommended, if possible, as parking is limited. Visitor information - including information about parking garages and bus routes - is provided here

4. Bring your SSW ID card, photo ID, and the TexShare card you received from the Harrison Library with you to PCL.

5. The staff at the Courtesy Borrower's Desk will have you fill out a library card application. It takes about ten minutes if there is no line. 


Tip: Don't go it alone

If you are going to head to PCL, consider going with a buddy. Chances are, someone else from Southwest needs to go, too. Making the visit with a librarian or a peer who has been before will make the experience smoother and more fun. Ask around, or email to start conversation around a "field trip!"

The Inside Scoop

A UT Borrower's card allows you to check out items from all the regularly circulating collections at PCL.

There are computers you can use to access UT's e-resources while you are in the library building. Inquire about this service when you visit.

If an item you want is held at one of UT's special libraries, call ahead to the library that houses the item to ask if you have access. 

Your UT card will expire after one year. To renew, you'll need to follow the "How to get a UT library card" steps 1-5 (shown to the left) again.