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Instructional - New York Times: Registration


Here are the steps for registering for your NYTimes account.

Important note: The registration process must be done on campus.

Update: Click on the new Go button to register off campus.

Step 1

1) Go to

2) You'll notice that the URL changes to

Trust me, you're on the right page, which should be the Find Your School page. 

3) Begin typing in: Seminary of the Southwest. It should pop up before you finish typing:

4) Once you choose our school, you will be taken to the Instructions page (see Step 2).

Step 2

1) On the Instructions page, click on the link in #2:

On Campus: Here's that link.

Off Campus: Click here.

2) You will be taken to the first Create Account page (see Step 3).

Step 3

1) This page is super easy; just click on the Create Account button:

2) This will take you to the real Create Account page (see Step 4).

Step 4

1) Enter your SSW email address.

2) Create a password you will remember.

3) Choose your user type.

a. If you're a student, enter your expected graduation date.

b. Enter an alternative email address (this can be your personal email or your alum email you will receive:

4) Once you're done, click Sign Up:

5) This will take you to the Confirmation page.


1) The Confirmation page will show that you are registered and provide you with the expiration of your registration, at which time if you're still eligible, you will need to register again.

2) You will also receive an email thanking you for registering:

3) All done! Go to to get access.

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