Oxford Handbooks are ebook sets written by leading scholars in their field of study. Harrison Library has collected several years of these handbooks and is elated to add this set to our collection. In it you will find the following titles:
The Oxford Handbook of Johannine Studies
This book is to be used by Dr. Parks in B2310, Biblical Studies: History and Hermeneutics III this fall, a course she co-teaches with Old Testament professor, Dr. Steve Bishop.
The book is written by some of the leading specialists in Johannine studies. It looks at the literary sources, historical origins, backgrounds of Greek and Jewish thought, and its relationship to the Gnostics. It also delves into sociological perspectives, symbolism, dualism, eschatology, and gender-related ideology, as well as the purpose of Jesus, eternal life, and the Spirit.
1) Using the Publication Finder tab, enter the title, then click Search.
2) Once this window opens, click on the Oxford Handbook resource under Full Text Access.
3) You will be taken to the Oxford Handbook site where the ebook access is provided. Scroll down to choose a chapter.
Want to take notes as you read? Be sure and check out the Oxford Handbook-Annotations libguide that demonstrates how to do this!
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