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Instructional - Guide to the Library for Southwest Faculty: Library Instruction

Email assistance

Faculty may email the librarians at for the quickest response. That email address is a distribution list that sends the user’s email to the full time librarians and the person on duty will respond.

Online Tutorials

Help yourself to instructional videos available on the library website anytime, day or night. Topics include performing basic Seeker searches, requesting items by interlibrary loan (ILL), accessing e-resources from off campus, and much more. 


One on One Consultation (by request)

Any professor may request a one-on-one instructional online session with Duane Carter. Please use this form to request an appointment.

Instructional LibGuides

Embedded Learning

The Electronic Resources Librarian visits the classroom to make presentations upon request of the professor. To date he has made appearances (in person and virtually) in courses for every degree program and has been a regular guest of Professors Baker, Bishop, Colombo, Jangha, McClure, St. David, and many other members of the Southwest faculty. Professors may reach out directly to to schedule an instructional visit from the library staff.