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Access - Electronic Journals: PsycArticles

A listing of journals we now get electronically.


APA PsycArticles contains the only electronic article catalog of the superior research published by APA and affiliated journals, All of which is all full text peer-reviewed. With current journal coverage and historical content dating back more than a century, this esteemed collection provides access to the full spectrum of research in the field and is an indispensable resource for researchers, practitioners, students, and educators. It also connects you to current full-text journal articles written by esteemed researchers from across psychology and the behavioral and social sciences, with weekly updates.

This esteemed collection from American Psychological Association (APA) provides access to the full spectrum of study in the field — including cutting-edge research from preeminent scholars, to the historical underpinnings of the behavioral and social sciences. PsycArticles contains more than 200,000 articles from more than 100 scholarly journals.