Physical items in the Course Reserves Collection are shelved in the Harrison Library on the first level. This collection includes:
- The current semester's physical items (books, DVDs, etc) assigned for reading or viewing
- Counseling exam material
- Latinx Counseling Concentration (LCC) material
Electronic books can be found in Seeker or the Koha catalog but they are also linked from this LibGuide for your convenience! Click on the blue tab for specific semester you are looking for.
Students are responsible for obtaining assigned readings. The seminary Book Store publishes a list of required course books prior to the beginning of the semester. After the semester’s book list is published, the library creates a Course Reserves collection for the semester. One copy of each required course book will be added to the Course Reserves collection as either a print book or an ebook. The Course Reserves collection prevents one person from checking out course books for the entire semester. The Course Reserves collection is not meant to be a substitute for students obtaining required course books. The library will not attempt to supply class sets or multiple copies of course books. The librarians can guide students on how to optimize the benefits of the Course Reserves Collection. Learn more by visiting the Course Reserves LibGuide.
What is included on this page?
This page contains links to all the course reserve titles the library can offer as ebooks this fall. Note that we have included information about our licensing agreement (how many users can access the ebook at once.) New for this year: if there are print books on reserve for a class, we will link to that list in Koha from the course's box below.
What about print books?
We also provide many books as print books. You can view the print course reserves list here, or visit the Harrison Library to use them.
Why aren't all the required books provided as ebooks?
The library can't provide access to all assigned texts electronically because not all of the assigned texts are available for libraries to purchase electronically. Sometimes we can only buy an ebook that checks out to one person at a time. It's rare we can provide an unlimited user ebook.
How do I borrow and return an Overdrive book?
Please follow these instructions for borrowing and returning an Overdrive ebook
If you have a question about a specific text, please do feel free to email us at
Current semester items check out for four hours. Past semester items circulate for 4 weeks. Counseling exam material and Latinx Counseling Concentration (LCC) material circulate for 1 week.
A Seminary of the Southwest student or professor may check out course reserve items right before closing, but the items must be returned right at the beginning of the next library business day.
If you have questions about the course reserves or notice something is missing, please email