If you receive this message while trying to merge accounts, you will need to check in any ebooks in your folder. Once you log into your old account remove/delete any ebooks you may have checked out by going to Checked Out link in the left-hand navigation. When the ebook is displayed on the main screen, check the box and delete.
If you have checked out an ebook before, you may remember that you had to install Adobe Digital Editions on your computer:
Clicking on the Download button begins the process:
Before you can merge your old folder with your new folder, you must check in any ebooks checked out to you in Adobe Digital Editions. Even though you no longer have access to the ebook in your EBSCO folder, the ebook needs to be removed from Adobe Digital Editions in order to check it in. Here's how that's done:
First find Adobe Digital Editions on your computer by going to Start Button and choosing All Programs, then find the Adobe folder. Now open Adobe Digital Editions:
Highlight the checked out ebook, then go to File and choose Remove from Library:
It will probably take 24hrs. before this is recognized by EBSCO. Once it does, try the merge process again.