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Topical - Spirituality and Clinical Mental Health Counseling: A Database of Resources: Crisis & Trauma

Spiritual resources are designated across common Mental Health Counseling Graduate Courses (including the 8 CACREP domains) for use in teaching, learning, and practical application of spiritual integration in counseling.

Crisis & Trauma

Bibliography (Journal Articles)

  • Bryant-Davis, T., & Wong, E.C. (2013). Faith to move mountains: Religious coping, spirituality, and interpersonal trauma recovery.
  • American Psychologist, 68(8), 675-684. doi: 10.1037/a0034380

  • De Castella, R., & Simmonds, J.G. (2013). “There’s a deeper level of meaning as to what suffering’s all about”: Experiences of religious and spiritual growth after trauma.
  • Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 16(5), 536-556. Retrieved from

  • Kick, K.A., & McNitt, M. (2016). Trauma, spirituality, and mindfulness: Finding hope.
  • Social Work & Christianity, 43(3), 97-108.

  • Reeves, A., & Stewart, S. (2017). Healing the spirit: Exploring sexualized trauma and recovery among indigenous men in Toronto.
  • American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 24(1), 30-60. doi: 10.5820/aian.2401.2017.30

  • Ross, C.A. (2016). Talking about God with trauma survivors.
  • American Journal of Psychotherapy, 70(4), 429-437. doi: 10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.2016.70.4.429

  • Smith, L.E., Bernal, D.R. Schwartz, B.S., Whitt, C.L., Christman, S.T., Donnelly, S.,... Kobetz, E. (2014). Coping with vicarious trauma in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
  • Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 42, 2-12. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1912.2014.00040.x

  • Starnino, V.R., & Sullivan, W.P. (2016). Early trauma and serious mental illness: what role does spirituality play?
  • Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 19(10), 1094–1117. Retrieved from

  • Sterner, W.R. & Jackson-Cherry, L.R. (2015). The influence of spirituality and religion on coping for combat-deployed military personnel.
  • Counseling & Values, 60, 48-66. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-007X.2015.00060.x

  • Wang, D.C., Aten, J.D., Boan, D., Jean-Charles, W., Griff, K.P., Valcin,C., Davis, E.B., Hook, J.N., Davis, D.E., Van Tongeren, D.R., Abouezzeddine, T., Skylar, Q., & Wang, A.

    (2010). Culturally adapted spiritually oriented trauma-focused cognitive–behavioral therapy for child survivors of restavek.

  • Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 3(4), 24-246.

  • Watlington, C.G., & Murphy, C.M. (2006). The roles of religion and spirituality among African American survivors of domestic violence.
  • Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(7), 834-857. doi:10.1002/jclp.20268

  • Weaver, A.J., Flannelly, L.T., Garbarino, J., Figley, C.R., & Flannelly, K.J. (2003). A systematic review of research on religion and spirituality in the Journal of Traumatic Stress:
  • 1990-1999. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 6(3), 215-228. doi: 10.1080/1367467031000088123

  • Werdel, M.B., Dy-Liacco, G.S., Ciarrocchi, J.W., Wicks, R.J., & Breslford, G.M. (2014). The unique role of spirituality in the process of growth following stress and trauma.
  • Pastoral Psychology, 63, 57–71. doi: 10.1007/s11089-013-0538-4

  • Zeligman, M., Ataga, J., & Shaw., Z. (2020). Posttraumatic growth in trauma survivors: Associations with attachment to god and god representation.
  • Counseling and Values, 65(2), 155-169.